What kind of Thermal Spray systems are available?

What kind of Thermal Spray systems are available?

Below is a list and short description of commonly used Thermal Spray systems:

  • Combustion Wire – Oxy/Acetylene or Oxy/Propane fueled torch that uses wire form material.
  • Combustion Powder – Oxy/Acetylene or Oxy/Propane fueled torch that uses powder form material.
  • Electric Wire Arc – A dual wire system using electricity to melt wire form material.
  • HVOF – High Velocity Oxy Fuel delivers powder form material at supersonic speeds.
  • HVAF/HVOF – Hybrid Convertible HVAF-HVOF Thermal Spraying Equipment offers the highest spray rates in the industry in either mode.
  • Plasma – Multiple options. Extreme high heat spray system.

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