Handheld Plasma Spray Torch

Handheld Plasma Spray Torch

The Handheld Plasma Spray Torch hardware was designed for versatile, safe and easy operation.

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The Handheld Plasma Spray Torch hardware was designed for versatile, safe and easy operation. When changing from one spray material or plasma gas to another, the switchover is fast – nozzles and electrodes are plugin/pullout assemblies. Water-cooled cables are attached to the bottom of the manual handheld torch to improve balance and prevent interference in close-up spraying applications.The plasma torch is handheld and designed for versatile, safe and easy operation. Requires power supply, console, heat exchanger. When changing from one spray material or plasma gas to another, the switchover is fast – nozzles and electrodes are plugin/pullout assemblies.The Handheld Plasma Spray Torch hardware was designed for versatile, safe and easy operation. When changing from one spray material or plasma gas to another, the switchover is fast – nozzles and electrodes are plugin/pullout assemblies. Water-cooled cables are attached to the bottom of the manual handheld torch to improve balance and prevent interference in close-up spraying applications. Water-cooled power cables for the torch have right– and left– hand thread design, making it impossible to cross-connect them. Heavy plastic insulators are provided to protect the operator from electrical shock.

Equipment Features

  • High heat output capabilities – plasma gas temperatures up to 16,000ºC (28,880ºF)
  • High plasma gas velocity – in excess of 3,050 m/s (10,000 ft./sec).
  • Dual Gas Capability – operates with either argon or nitrogen as the primary plasma gas.
  • High Particle velocities – up to 610 m/s(2,000 ft./sec.)
  • Nozzles designed with Thin Annular Passage Cooling (TAP) – precisely direct the cooling water for optimum heat transfer and even distribution within the hardware.
  • The design of the electrode allows for impinged water cooling to be directed into the critical tungsten tip area, resulting in improved electrode life.
  • Long life gas insulators – fabricated from heat resistant ceramics, ensure durability and uniform gas flow at high power levels.
  • Modular construction – permits the use of high-performance hardware with both handheld and machine mount gun variations.
  • Adaptable with extensions – allows for internal diameter spraying (e.g., cylinder walls) or for spray applications in hard-to-reach areas.
  • Improved hardware accessibility – allows easy replacement and changeover of nozzles, electrodes, and gas insulator assemblies.
  • High power levels – extended nozzle and electrode life.
  • Higher spray rates – shortens production time.
  • Advanced technology – broadens the range of capabilities.
  • Ease of operation, maintenance, and installation – ideally suited for general purpose and advanced coating applications
  • Operates with – SCR-controlled power supply units
  • Historically proven nozzle design – offers economical replacement cost.
  • Fully operational with nitrogen as the primary fuel gas – economical operating parameters with high BTU output.

media/9mb-plasma-gun-handheld-lg.jpg (image address)

Uses:Used to spray tougher materials.

Pros:Spray hard materials.

Used with: Ceramics, tungston carbide.