Plasma Powders & Systems Portable is a completely self-contained Plasma System! Includes: Power Supply, High Frequency Starter, Plasma Control Console, Powder Feeder, Heat Exchanger, and Electrical Disconnects. This plasma spray system boasts a compact design with fold-down ramp, removable side rails, mobile control console and powder feeder, fork-lift entry, optional heavy-duty casters and gas cylinder brackets. Custom configurations available.
Plasma Powders & Systems Portable Plasma System is completely self-contained and features:
- Power Supply
- High Frequency Starter
- Plasma Control Console
- Powder Feeder
- Heat Exchanger
- Electrical Disconnects
Plasma Powders & Systems is a completely self-contained Plasma System! Includes: Power Supply, High Frequency Starter, Plasma Control Console, Powder Feeder, Heat Exchanger, and Electrical Disconnects. This plasma spray system boasts a compact design with fold-down ramp, removable side rails, mobile control console and powder feeder, fork-lift entry, optional heavy-duty casters and gas cylinder brackets. Custom configurations available.
- PS-2010 power supply
- HF-2000 high frequency starter
- Mounting frame for above items
- CP-160 control console with Hydrogen module
- Plasma Powders and Systems PF-3350
- Mobile cart with powder feeder and console mounted
- Up to 25 ft. control cables and hoses
- Optional: Portable palletized package (includes electrical disconnect
- Optional: HE-750 7.5 ton chiller
media/bay-state-portable-plasma-system-lg.jpg (image address)
Uses:Used to spray tougher materials.
Pros:Spray hard materials.
Used with: Ceramics, tungston carbide