The PPS-5K Wire Spray Torch is built for automated, mass production environments, having been designed to spray continuously for long periods while maintaining constant coating quality. The PPS-5K Wire Spray Torch boasts low gas consumption and is highly efficient to operate. This unit cannot be used in handheld applications.A machine-mounted combustion wire spray torch with a motor. This unit has an external control box that adjusts rate of spray.
When a heavy-duty torch is required for high-volume or continuous combustion wire flame spray production, the PPS-5K torch is a clear choice. The PPS-5K is built for automated, mass production environments, having been designed to spray continuously for long periods while maintaining constant coating quality. The PPS-5K has low gas consumption for highly efficient operation. Coupled with the ease of operation and simplified maintenance requirements, the PPS-5K combustion wire flame spray torch is a proven performer for any production environment.
This is an excellent choice for mass production coatings for synchron rings, piston rings, yoder mill tubes, shifter forks, sliding wear applications requiring self-lubricating properties and high-volume corrosion coating applications.
PPS-5K Wire Spray Torch Features:
- Heavy-duty, rugged design – built for high volume production environments.
- Simple operation – requires minimal operator training.
- Flexible wire choices – can be configured for use with hard or soft wires in a variety of diameters.
- Flexible fuel gas choices – to suit plant operational requirements and economics.
- Extra-sturdy tool post – ensures the torch will remain in its set position.
- Unique universal gas head – produces high spray rates with low gas consumption and is resistant to backfire.
- Gas head valve handle – allows instant start/stop of gas through the torch.
- O-ring seals between nozzle and siphon plug ensure safe and reliable operation and simplify torch maintenance.
- Precision wire feed control – provides precise control of wire feed rate.
- Dependable electric wire drive – regardless of wire drag for constant, uniform feed of coating material.
- Long gear life – designed with large, rugged gears coupled with circulating gear lubricant pump.
- Built-in sight plug – visually check the level of lubricant without the need to open the gear case.
- Simple maintenance and hardware changeover – the nozzle, siphon plug, and front wire guide assemblies can be easily removed and replaced as a complete unit.
- Available extensions: 1, 2 and 3 ft extension, Propane or acetylene.
- Part List (Soon)
- Spray tables (Spray Tables list parameters needed to operate the equipment)
- Complete System Brochure (Soon)
Uses:Automated, mass production environment.
Pros:Easy to adjust spray rate. Easy to maintain. Continuous, efficient spraying.
Used with: Electric powered gun mounted wire feed motor.